Most recruiters bring you the right resume. We bring you rock stars who live and breathe your brand.

We’re a full service recruitment firm that matches you with builders and innovators to smash your goals. Our custom-made KPIs either ensure your candidate’s success within the first 90 days of the job or we’ll do another search free of charge. Because Sound Decisions takes the guesswork out of performance. Trust us – when the values of your team align, the sky’s the limit.

Hire Your Next Rock Star

Sound Decisions is your ticket to an untapped talent pool with unlimited potential.

It’s a familiar story. Great on paper. Meh on the job. Over the years, we’ve found that 90% of a candidate’s success has nothing to do with a job description. Whereas most recruiters assess candidates for the short term, we look for individuals with long-term potential and passion for your brand. Instead of pushing back on challenges, our hires ask “how can we help your business?”

That’s because resumes are not the dao of our success. And our one-of-a kind search process is designed to separate high-impact performers from people who only collect a paycheck. High-impact candidates may require more training and their growth velocity may start slower than someone with all the right qualifications on paper. But a candidate whose values and motivations align with yours will ramp up exponentially, delivering more value and driving more growth for your business over the long term.

Your company culture. Done your way.

Are you searching for a global team of digital nomads? Or how about employees who crave the prestige of a large corporation? Is your company culture one of high-energy and a success-driven mindset? Or do your culture-fit KPIs consist of employees posting funny memes in your team’s group chat? Whatever it is, you know your company best. We sit back, listen, and find candidates who will follow you on your growth journey.

Our candidates take a role and own it, empowering your organization for the long-term. By bringing the right kind of people to the right kind of organization, clients who have gone through our matching process have never been happier. We work on contingency, which means you never pay until you’re happy with our candidate. We then charge a fee based upon 30% of your new hire’s starting salary. Our highly effective hiring process has served some of the world’s most successful companies. We call it Hire OS. It only attracts candidates with a business-first priority, resulting in employees who will grow alongside your organization.

We design you the perfect candidate at every step of our hiring process. It all starts with a “get to know you” intake call

Fast is not our game. When recruiters promise you the perfect candidate in two days, that means you’re getting someone who has already been farmed out. We believe it takes longer than two weeks to find great talent. Fast candidates lead to less results and higher turnover for your business down the line. We select candidates who will stick with your organization for the long-term, who will become valued members of your team, and who will rise to any challenges thrown at them.

Whether your hiring process has seven steps or two, we seamlessly integrate with your HR department to deliver the best candidates for your organization. Our screening process involves the following three stages:

Intake Call

Together, for an hour, we’ll build out the requirements for your role. Here’s where the magic happens. We ask questions so different  from everyone else that you’ll be blown away by just how targeted our insights are. We’ll drill down to your mission statement, core values, and what it takes to be successful within the first 90 days. All this information then goes into the marketing copy of the job description, creating a truly attractive funnel to bring nothing but the best candidates in.

Value Alignment

First, we reach out to candidates whose cultural preferences and career types align with your vision. Our screening process elicits all those hard to pin down values that go beyond daily duties, salaries, and job descriptions. We consider all the intangible dimensions that make for a successful candidate, especially what type of impact they have had in the past. By making value alignment the goal of our recruiting, we bring you undiscovered talent who will take your growth to the next level.


Once we find a candidate whose values align with yours, we start the interview process. We do a thorough investigation of the candidate’s job history to discover how they handle team relationships and resolve problems with peers. We then give you the chance to work with your candidate on a problem related to your business for an hour and a half. This working session allows you to discover exactly what type of hire you’re getting.

Our Founder

For the last decade, Daniel Parker has devoted his professional career to building the right teams with the right people for some of the biggest companies in the world. Inspired by the example of Henry Ford, Dan started Sound Decisions with the belief that the best companies thrive with teams of people who want to be there and who push the company forward. He has successfully grown solopreneur ventures to organizations of 50 people with over $30 million dollars in sales.

Contact us

Got questions? Ready to hire? Reach out today and start collaborating with us! Our team is here to assist you in finding the perfect staffing and consulting solutions tailored to your needs.
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